Bathroom Remodels in the New Year


The holidays are over, and the New Year (2025!) is here! And whether (or should we say weather?) we like it or not, winter is here too. That means more time indoors. And with the theme of making positive change that each January brings, we thought it a great time to dive deep into one of the most popular indoor home renovations – bathroom remodels!

Why Bathroom Remodels? 

The bathroom is a room in the house we all spend time in (more since the advent of smartphones) and generally share with others. That sharing can sometimes lead to contention. After all, who hasn’t heard the secret to a happy marriage is separate bathrooms or wondered how in the world the Brady Bunch survived with 8 people and one bathroom

So often, T and H works to make bathrooms work better for the people who live in each home. Additionally, bathroom remodels come in many different shapes and sizes. And sometimes, small changes can go a long way! 

Finally, bathrooms are one of the areas in the home that have changed the most in style, if not function, over the decades, so often when people have the urge to make a change, that’s where they start. 

Today, we’ll focus on reason number 1 for remodeling – making your bathrooms more functional for your family. 

Making Bathrooms More Functional

If you want to make your bathroom more functional, several options are available depending on your goals. 

Sharing a Bath (Get Your Head Out of the Gutter)

When you have several kids, or both members of a couple who all need to get ready in the morning, sometimes, there aren’t enough bathrooms for everyone to get their own. Luckily, there are a few bathroom remodels that can help make it work.

Firstly, adding a sink can allow multiple people to get in front of the mirror to brush their teeth, shave, put on makeup, or do whatever they need to prepare for the world outside. It’s a simple addition that can greatly improve your quality of life!

Next, if you’ve ever stayed in a hotel room with a division between the shower and toilet area and the sink, you know how helpful that separation can be. Why not do something similar in your home? 

There’s no reason you can’t have a door dividing different parts of your bathroom so multiple people can get ready to leave at once. And it’s far less expensive than building a brand-new bathroom. 

Changes for Aging in Place

Finally, as we age, our needs change, and sometimes, we require bathroom remodels to make them functional for our new needs. We can help to adjust your bathroom to facilitate aging in place. 

Examples of bathroom remodels for aging in place include:

  • Adding grab bars.
  • Adding zero entry tubs and benches for showers.
  • Widening doorways to accommodate mobility assistive devices like wheelchairs or walkers. 

We also have the ability to help you make the rest of your home more friendly to aging in place. 

Ready for Your Bathroom Remodels? 

When you see how much there was to say about only one of the three main reasons we gave for bathroom remodels, and then you consider that bathrooms are only one room in the home, it’s easy to see how we can stay busy and never get bored operating a home improvement business!

We’ll get into more reasons for bathroom remodels soon, but for now, no matter your reasons for renovating your bathroom or any room, T and H Home Improvement is here to answer your questions and offer you the support and care you need and deserve during your next construction project!

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